Full Name
Seng Gee Gee Lim Lim
Job Title
Director of Hepatology
Company/Institution/ Organization
National University Health System
Speaker Bio
Director of Hepatology at the Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, National University Health System, Singapore. He is currently chairman of the Singapore Hepatology Conference and Science of HBV Cure Conference. He is also governing council board member of International Coalition for Eradication for Hepatitis B (ICE-HBV) and a steering committee member of HBV Forum. He is Scientific Advisory Board member for ANRS Maladies Infectieuses Emergentes, France. He is faculty at the Asia Pacific EBM workshop. is research includes clinical trials of new treatments for chronic hepatitis B, and translational research in viral hepatitis, involving molecular biology and immunology of hepatitis B. He has published 298 peer reviewed publications and has H index of 65
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