Full Name
Patrick Kennedy
Job Title
Professor and Consultant Hepatologist
Company/Institution/ Organization
Barts and The London School of Medicine & Dentistry, QMUL
Speaker Bio
Patrick Kennedy is a Consultant Hepatologist at Barts Health NHS Trust and Professor of Hepatology at Barts and The London School of Medicine & Dentistry, QMUL. He has produced novel immunological work redefining disease phase in CHB; the basis for broadening treatment candidacy in HBeAg positive chronic infection. Professor Kennedy is the current Chair of the British Viral Hepatitis Group (BVHG) and former lead for the British Association for the Study of the Liver (BASL) special interest group in HBV. He is a member of the WHO guideline development group and the EASL CHB clinical practice guidelines. He provides expert opinion for the United Kingdom Advisory Panel on blood-borne viruses, in addition he is a key opinion leader in viral liver disease and a member of expert advisory panels for early drug development.