Full Name
Baibaswata Nayak
Job Title
Company/Institution/ Organization
All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi
Speaker Bio
Dr. Baibaswata Nayak is Professor of Molecular Biology in the Department of Gastroenterology, AIIMS, New Delhi, India. He is DVM,PhD and Diplomate of Virology from USA.He had done hispostdoctoral fellowship from Northwestern University, Chicago and University of Maryland, College Park, USA. His current research focuses on the Molecular biology of hepatitis viruses, hepatocellular carcinoma, SARS-COV2, Chronic liver disease (NAFLD, ALD, CHC, CHB), ALF, ACLF, and acute and chronic pancreatitis. He has authored/co-authored 109 publications (impact factor: 494.04, citation:3977) and of which, 46 publications are in last five year (2020-2024). I have submitted 151 sequences at Genbank. He is chief investigator of 8 extramural projects and 3 intramural projects. He is also co-investigator of 7 extramural and 4 intramural projects. His research is mostly translational and the tests developed are for disease diagnosis and monitoring therapeutic response. I am Faculty in charge for molecular diagnostic services in the department and provide routine molecular, biochemical, and serological diagnostic service to ICU, ward and OPD patients of AIIMS and department Gastroenterology. These molecular diagnostic tests include quantitation of HBV, HCV and HEV; genotyping of HCV/HBV and serological test for all hepatitis virus infections, Biochemical tests were used for differential diagnosis and treatment of acute pancreatitis, autoimmune pancreatitis, inflammatory bowel disease and liver diseases including HCC, CLD, ALD, NAFLD, ALF and ACLF patients.