Full Name
Fabien Zoulim
Job Title
Company/Institution/ Organization
Lyon University
Speaker Bio
Fabien Zoulim is Professor of Medicine at Lyon I University since 1997. He is Head of the Hepatology Department at the Hospices Civils de Lyon, and Head of the INSERM laboratory on Pathobiology and Therapy of Liver Diseases. He founded the Lyon Hepatology Institute (https://www.ihu-hepatolyon.fr/en) in 2023. Dr Zoulim is Associate Editor for GUT, and also served as a Governing Board member of the European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL). His research is focusing on the mechanisms of HBV persistence to find a cure for HBV. He is also coordinating the ANRS “HBV cure” Task Force in France since 2014, and co-founded the International Coalition to Eliminate HBV in 2016 (ICE-HBV: http//:www.ice-hbv.org). For his research on “HBV cure”, Dr Zoulim received the 2004 William Prusoff and the 2023 Gertrude Elion awards of the International Society for Antiviral Research, and the 2022 Distinguished Award in HBV Research from the International HBV meeting.