PLENARY 1 - A Focus On Where We are At
Date & Time
Tuesday, March 18, 2025, 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM
Jordan Feld
  • Opening remarks John Ward and Norah Terrault
  • ISVHLD Remarks Harry Janssen, Jordan Feld
  • Ray Schinazi & Stephan Urban Award Ceremony John Ward, Norah Terrault, HarryJanssen, Jordan Feld, Ralf Bartenschlager
  • Bridging basic-clinical-implementation spheres in viral hepatitis + Q&A  Jordan Feld
  • Global progress on hepatitis B, C, and D elimination + Q&A Meg Doherty, Funmi Lesi
  • PANEL: Challenges on transitions of the US government and implications for hepatitis elimination in the US and global Su Wang